Quote of the moment:

- Postsecret, courtesy of Rob "He-who-finds-anything-cool-online" Quill. Sure to trigger ecstacies of anger in Jim at all the emo-goth-manic-depressives (entertaining in itself) but it also contains some gems like that featured above.
Blogger crapped up yesterday and thus prevented me posting this:
Day off. Did nothing meaningful at all. Liked it.
I thought it had a certain succinct quality to it.
Prill's nod to the awesomeness of the Poyntz-Ward house challenge pairing reminded me of the all-OxfordUniversity Challenge semi-final between Balliol and Corpus Christi. Balliol retook the lead in the last few minutes following a closely fought contest, but blatantly deserved it more because of their obvious geek status. Balliol's pitiful "guy in strange haircut" combined with a rugby-chap captain and A GIRL (how rare!) left them trailing behind Corpus Christi by miles. Corpus' impressive lineup included one "Nehru suit", one ginger toff and two others also so odd they must have waltzed through their interviews with ease.
This, incidentally, involves my theory that the more like a reclusive geek you look, the better you fair at Oxbridge interviews(for geek subjects anyway), as born out by Roskelly of St Hilda's. Yup, that link does confirm the almost universal truth that someone with no chin, bat ears, cropped hair and glasses must be a lesbian. When I told Sarah she must be, she accused me of prejudice so I googled to vindicate my chauvanistic wiles.
Google - sponsoring the KKK since Good Ol' Boys learned to count. Once Jim has been sworn in as Grand Dragon of the new London Chapter, he could advocate a change to the more modern K3. After all, who says the Klan hates modernism?!
Back to my original theme: Bonus points should be awarded for geekness, after all 8 players are ranked in geek order on Millionaire style voting handsets. After this any geek answering a full set of bonus questions on their own adds their score to the team's total. If only it were on ITV, eh?

- Postsecret, courtesy of Rob "He-who-finds-anything-cool-online" Quill. Sure to trigger ecstacies of anger in Jim at all the emo-goth-manic-depressives (entertaining in itself) but it also contains some gems like that featured above.
Blogger crapped up yesterday and thus prevented me posting this:
Day off. Did nothing meaningful at all. Liked it.
I thought it had a certain succinct quality to it.
Prill's nod to the awesomeness of the Poyntz-Ward house challenge pairing reminded me of the all-OxfordUniversity Challenge semi-final between Balliol and Corpus Christi. Balliol retook the lead in the last few minutes following a closely fought contest, but blatantly deserved it more because of their obvious geek status. Balliol's pitiful "guy in strange haircut" combined with a rugby-chap captain and A GIRL (how rare!) left them trailing behind Corpus Christi by miles. Corpus' impressive lineup included one "Nehru suit", one ginger toff and two others also so odd they must have waltzed through their interviews with ease.
This, incidentally, involves my theory that the more like a reclusive geek you look, the better you fair at Oxbridge interviews(for geek subjects anyway), as born out by Roskelly of St Hilda's. Yup, that link does confirm the almost universal truth that someone with no chin, bat ears, cropped hair and glasses must be a lesbian. When I told Sarah she must be, she accused me of prejudice so I googled to vindicate my chauvanistic wiles.
Google - sponsoring the KKK since Good Ol' Boys learned to count. Once Jim has been sworn in as Grand Dragon of the new London Chapter, he could advocate a change to the more modern K3. After all, who says the Klan hates modernism?!
Back to my original theme: Bonus points should be awarded for geekness, after all 8 players are ranked in geek order on Millionaire style voting handsets. After this any geek answering a full set of bonus questions on their own adds their score to the team's total. If only it were on ITV, eh?
Is that as in "Mwahaha, I pity the puny mortals..."
[phone rings, Jim answers it]
"For the last time, I am a DEARD lord, not a DRUG lord!"
RRRAAWWRRRR!!! You posted before I had time to post about it!! DAMNYOU WEE BULL!!!! NEXT TIMEEEE!!!!
I think that was actually MY getting YOU next time, since you trump me all the time on those Channel 4 100 Greatest things AND the awesomeness of Desperate Housewives.
Speaking of DH, my mum videoed this weeks (for SARAH) and only told me today. Hurrah!
*DREAD. [Looks embarrased]
Besides, Rob first-to-everything-cool Quill posted about it first.
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