Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Laptop Saga

Quote of the moment:
"Interesting in a good way? Not in a 'he would be interesting to study in a controlled environment' sort of way?" - tequilamockingbird. All that and an amusing name too.

Be warned: what follows could be classified under the species 'rant'. Fortunately it's of the genus 'mocking', not 'irate' and certainly not the extreme mutation of rant, the 'Podgy'.

Two weeks ago my sister returned home from school saying there was a fault with her laptop screen. My dad gave her my laptop to take in, so he could send hers off to be fixed. I transferred my old desktop (that I had prior to having the laptop that is now Sarah's) to the desk to use "for two weeks at the most".

This weekend my sister brings back my laptop, and has even had Ant sort out the firewall settings so that I can connect to Messenger again. My dad has spent the last two weeks trying to get her laptop to fail again, without success. He therefore decides that she should take it back into school until it malfunctions. However, because she's starting some coursework this week, he also gave her mine to take in to do her coursework on. She is therefore supposed to use her laptop for chatting and emailing, and mine for work.

That's great. The best bit, however, is that it's the same fault that I had two years ago with the same laptop, hence I persuaded him to give me the new one he'd bought himself. Sarah took mine, because there wasn't actually anything wrong with it other than the ancient spec and the screen going wrong if left on for days at a time.

I wonder why the screen could have gone wrong in exactly the same way?!

I have tried explaining this, but my dad just talks over me and says that when it goes wrong he'll send it off to be fixed, or failing that, claimed on the insurance.

That's great too!

He has over a year until his half century, but he's already acting like a Saga tourist who left the spare hearing aid battery at home!

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