Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Uniform Punks

Quote of the moment:

Hulk: i reckon that there should be a politcal party called something like "the agnostic democrats"

Hulk: branches in all western countries

Hulk: dedicated to the destruction of religion

Rob m8: "I want to conquer the world, give all the idiots a brand new religion"

Rob m8: -- Bad Religion

Hulk: it'd be like neo-nazis, but with better uniforms

Hulk: they'd obviously be black

Rob m8: lol

Hulk: with hats with holes in for spiked up hair

Hulk: dyed according to their unit

Hulk: uniform punks

Rob m8: ahh the irony

Hulk: anachronism on the scale of military intelligence

Rob m8: anarchism? no?


Lolski... Good plan, no?!

As far as the planned update went, I've pretty much forgetten anything on value! Just for posterity's sake, I vaguely remember doing the following:

Last weekend: met up with t3h Podge, went to see Dodgeball... it was awesome! The ginger sidekick from A Knight's Tale plays a guy who thinks he's a pirate... spends the whole film saying "Yarrrrr!"... LOL!

Since then, not a lot of interest has happened... I have rediscovered the joys of isketch! Erm... I have been to a few more lessons. I've sent off forms for potential officer visits to the Infantry and Engineering HQs. I've got an interview for Tescos in Great Notley tomorrow! :D

See y'all online on Friday night!

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