Thursday, September 23, 2004

The Village People

Quote of the moment:

  • Let the bad colour not be seen. It attracts them.
  • Never enter the woods. That is where they wait.
  • Heed the warning bell, for they are coming.

Watched "The Village" last night at le cinema avec ma petite amie... We were thinking Dodgeball, but we'd have had to wait 2 hours, so pffft... Anyway: The Village was quite pr0... Background: A settlement in the midst of a forest, which is apparently the domain of some strange wailing creatures... There are flames lit all around the village every night, because the creatures hate yellow, and the guards in the towers at night wear yellow cloaks... (The creatures prefer red, obviously - the "baaad colour"). All very fun stuff... But it did make me wonder about a couple of things:

  1. Why do the creatures look exactly like Skaven from Warhammer?!
  2. The whole ethos of the village was peaceful, but surely one of the young guys must have thought at some point "Why don't we just ambush the woodland monster things", as supposed to hiding in the cellar from things that are admittedly "scary" looking, but are never seen moving at any great speed (for reasons that are obvious by the end) and, compared to, say, a goblin on a Warg, are pansy opponents :D A sharpened pole would be all they'd need...
  3. Following on from that, if they made the logical step of attacking the skaven with a burning torch, they'd be bordering on being pretty ownage...
  4. Obviously, given how the story pans out, that might have made for an interesting discovery...

Apologies to those who haven't seen the film - that was probably rather confusing since I was trying not to spoil your viewing pleasure :p

1 comment:

Koel said...

the village people break the lights :P:P