Thursday, November 23, 2006
Monday, November 20, 2006
Rhetoric and Roast Beef
Went on a little stomp around the hills near Caerphilly today, followed by pub lunch. The posse was somewhat reduced by a combination of food poisoning and girls who are divided over the singularly sexy entity that is Sam. Pub lunch afterwards. Twisted my ankle somewhat and was back home ice-packing and dosing up when I got a text message saying the ergo test due soon would be tomorrow night. Alas, yet another one I've got out of! Every cloud has a silver get-out-of-ergo-free card...
In other news, I'm published, having a little rant. Go me.
In other news, I'm published, having a little rant. Go me.
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2:10 am
Labels: OTC
Sunday, November 19, 2006
More Carnage

The one I'm patting on the head (to remind her she's short) is Hana. The occasion was OTC Centurion/Toga night on Tuesday. The floor was sheeted in case of spewage, but Hana made it to the loos... and, once her housemate and I had carried her that far, a bush halfway back to her house... and his lap in the taxi we got from there, because he was trying to avoid paying extra. It leaked through his sheet onto the floor anyway, so he still had to!
I then headed back to town, leaving him in charge, and collected some random balloons on the way. I apparently told everyone in Lloyds, once I found the OTC had progressed there, they should be jealous of my balloons and that's why I remember being chased around the bar by completely random women trying to pop them.
Last night was the Wales UOTC 30th Anniversary Dinner. It was held in the huge vaulted entrance hall of the Welsh National Mueseum (just across the road from the Union) and drinks beforehand were in the Impressionists gallery, surrounded by Monets and similar. The Royal Welsh regimental band weren't at the Wales vs Pacific Islands rugby because they and their CO were there too. The main band were sitting down at one end, as you might expect, but the pipes and drums marched in, played some opening stuff and marched out again. Very bizarre, but quite awesome.
The only photo of me that's made it to Facebook thus far is this one, of me having issues with my bowtie in the barracks loos beforehand. Classy.

Posted by
2:10 am
Labels: OTC
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Monday, November 13, 2006
When you go home, tell them of us and say,
For their tomorrow, we gave our today
- John Maxwell Edmonds (1875-1958)
Thought to have been inspired by the Simonides of Ceos (556-468 BC) who wrote the epitaph for memorial to the Battle of Thermopylae:
Go tell the Spartans, stranger passing by
That here, faithful to their laws, we lie
Posted by
1:56 pm
Labels: OTC
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Bingo Partay
Got another day's pay for rifle cleaning today: I was there for about 2 hours. £35. I love the OTC. Afterwards I joined a little party going to Sam's to play on his Megadrive. Awesome bachelor pad, PS2, up to the minute stuff, but he just wants to play Golden Axe. Worryingly, Golden Axe was released the same year as my sister.
Ami was also in attendance at the small gathering and bullied me into going to Bingo with her. Bingo. At the age of (presumably) 18. Along with Kat and Warren we were the youngest players in the room by at least 20 years and had severe issues with wanting to shout "BOLLOCKS" in the deathly calm of the bingo hall (and with Warren's constant swearing at his inability to keep up with the numbers, when surrounded by OAPs), but it was surreally entertaining. Just to reinforce her eccentricity, when we went across the road to Tescos afterwards Ami bought pickled eggs, which she started eating on the way home. Bizarre.
Ami was also in attendance at the small gathering and bullied me into going to Bingo with her. Bingo. At the age of (presumably) 18. Along with Kat and Warren we were the youngest players in the room by at least 20 years and had severe issues with wanting to shout "BOLLOCKS" in the deathly calm of the bingo hall (and with Warren's constant swearing at his inability to keep up with the numbers, when surrounded by OAPs), but it was surreally entertaining. Just to reinforce her eccentricity, when we went across the road to Tescos afterwards Ami bought pickled eggs, which she started eating on the way home. Bizarre.
Posted by
2:03 am
Labels: OTC
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Redneck Partay
Went to see Borat: CLOAFMBGNOK last night. See if you can find meaning in that uber version of the blogger letter jumble. In the meantime, because for some reason it wasn't in the film I saw despite it being in all the reviews, here's the classic:
Go in peace, kids, and remember to use the second best chat-up line ever:
"Very niiice. How much?"
Go in peace, kids, and remember to use the second best chat-up line ever:
"Very niiice. How much?"
Posted by
12:33 pm
Monday, November 06, 2006
Friday, November 03, 2006
Tea Partay
Quote of the moment:
"Outing's off, enjoy the lie-in"
- No need to be up at 5am to be boating at 6am, thanks to Alex being off on a physio placement and everyone else being too sensible to want to sub in for him. Giggity giggity...
If only they were English, they'd know better about drinking habits. Pimm's O'Clock, all the way...
"Outing's off, enjoy the lie-in"
- No need to be up at 5am to be boating at 6am, thanks to Alex being off on a physio placement and everyone else being too sensible to want to sub in for him. Giggity giggity...
If only they were English, they'd know better about drinking habits. Pimm's O'Clock, all the way...
Posted by
12:39 am
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Halloween, OTC Style
Quote of the moment:
"You're a big silly! The bears don't get you if you step on the cracks! The bears will help you home, but the snakes will bite your ankles!"
- Welcome to the weird world of Scary Mary. Thanks to my platoon commander deciding he wanted to go against the flow and supplying me with false information, I ended up spending the last hour or so of last night in a club with just him, Mary and Amy, mostly trying to catch up with the mad woman after she ran off somewhere. Highly entertaining though.

Me, most of Scary Mary, Sam and Roz's head. Gaz and Amy are on the left here.
The pick of the spoils of the night was a black vest which Amy got free from the DJ box in Lloyds but I managed to end up with, after Gaz wore it for a while. Girls size, obviously, but nonetheless I promised to wear it to next week's training under my combat shirt.
Other freebies from the Lloyds DJ: bottle opener, vampire teeth, handful of pumpkin shaped lollies. Inidentals picked up in Lloyds and lost along the way: the handle of a plastic scythe, which thanks to my skeleton suit became my pimp/Baron Samedi cane, combined with a random witch's hat set at a pimp angle, and a black tail, which Sam took to whip people with. The bouncer on the club door randomly gave Mary a set of huge foam keys, which she stuck on me as a bangle and thus made it home. I spent most of the time in the club with her witches hat and broomstick stuck through my Donnie Darko hoodie (tied around my waist), having extracted the hat from her stuffing it down my trousers. She acquired a balloon from a random and tied that to my necklace, but got worried he might want it back and took it off after a while (and after he'd gone). Finally, another random beer soaked witches hat off a bollard on the way home. Classy. A masterclass in pillage.
Distinct lack of the accompanying Viking pastime though, before Jim gets excited. Also having got into a taxi with a couple of other OTC guys coming back from where everyone else was, I got out first and left Mary to go home wearing my hoodie. A win on aggregrate though.
"You're a big silly! The bears don't get you if you step on the cracks! The bears will help you home, but the snakes will bite your ankles!"
- Welcome to the weird world of Scary Mary. Thanks to my platoon commander deciding he wanted to go against the flow and supplying me with false information, I ended up spending the last hour or so of last night in a club with just him, Mary and Amy, mostly trying to catch up with the mad woman after she ran off somewhere. Highly entertaining though.

The pick of the spoils of the night was a black vest which Amy got free from the DJ box in Lloyds but I managed to end up with, after Gaz wore it for a while. Girls size, obviously, but nonetheless I promised to wear it to next week's training under my combat shirt.
Other freebies from the Lloyds DJ: bottle opener, vampire teeth, handful of pumpkin shaped lollies. Inidentals picked up in Lloyds and lost along the way: the handle of a plastic scythe, which thanks to my skeleton suit became my pimp/Baron Samedi cane, combined with a random witch's hat set at a pimp angle, and a black tail, which Sam took to whip people with. The bouncer on the club door randomly gave Mary a set of huge foam keys, which she stuck on me as a bangle and thus made it home. I spent most of the time in the club with her witches hat and broomstick stuck through my Donnie Darko hoodie (tied around my waist), having extracted the hat from her stuffing it down my trousers. She acquired a balloon from a random and tied that to my necklace, but got worried he might want it back and took it off after a while (and after he'd gone). Finally, another random beer soaked witches hat off a bollard on the way home. Classy. A masterclass in pillage.
Distinct lack of the accompanying Viking pastime though, before Jim gets excited. Also having got into a taxi with a couple of other OTC guys coming back from where everyone else was, I got out first and left Mary to go home wearing my hoodie. A win on aggregrate though.
Posted by
11:30 pm
Labels: OTC
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